Tuesday 15 April 2014

Put your microphone headphones to the best possible use!

Headphoneswith mic are the next best thing for the younger generation. They can be used while playing video games allowing communication between different teams, or while video calling, online conferencing and so on. Here are the tips that you must take for using headset microphones!

First and foremost, you need to check that the microphone headset that you buy is compatible to the device you are using. For instance, if the purpose of your headset is to play video games it should be designed for game console and the like.

Secondly, you have to examine the plug available with the headset to determine where it should be plugged in. It is of a lot of importance in case it is being used on a computer or laptop. While some of the headsets have a stereo plug, some others have USB. If latter is the case, you have to plug your headset into the USB port. If your headset uses the traditional stereo plugs, the green plug should be inserted into the speaker port while the red/pink port should be inserted into the microphone port.

Thirdly, positioning of the mic is not much of a problem. It can be kept either on the left or on right depending on what one finds comfortable. You have to put your headphone with mic just like any other headphone. Care must be taken that the microphone is just in front of your mouth perpendicularly for best results.

There are various types of headsets available, like, the noise reduction headphones that cut out the external noise and disturbance. Noise cancelling headphone is a similar type that completely cancels out the noise. It is completely devoid of external interference.
Therefore, keep all the above mentioned tips in mind and go ahead and put your headphones with mic to the best possible use!

Choose your motorcycle intercom now!

Motorcycling is not quite a complete experience without headsetwith mic. It provides a good way of relaxing and keeping your mind calm in case you are riding alone, while it lets to talk to another passenger on your bike by mounting the headset with mic on your helmet.

Various types of intercoms for motorcycles are available in the market. The Acoustic Motorcycle Intercom uses not electronics or batteries, but hollow tubes through which your voice travels. The tips that are to be inserted in the ear are of rubber. All the tubes connect to a junction. It also consists of a headset with mic that allows you to talk. The limitation is that there is no way to adjust the volume. Also, wind noise cannot be filtered. They are suitable for rider-to-passenger application only.

The Wired motorcycle intercom consists of wires that run from rider to passenger and has a battery and a central box where the wires collect. There is no issue of external interference with such intercoms. The only problem is the wiring because every time you get down of the bike you need to unplug.

The Wireless intercom technology includes GMRS, FRS, FM, and Bluetooth. FM for motorcycle intercom use narrow frequency band. Clear sound can be produced within limited distances. No obstruction should be present between the transmitter and receiver.

Old walkie talkie now has equivalents in the form of General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) and Family Radio Service (FRS). A maximum range of 2 miles is offered by FRS radios with little obstructions in the path, while through GMRS radio communication up to several miles is possible.

Bluetooth is also a growing technology in mobile intercoms. The range limitation is 800 to 1600 feet which cuts down the amount of outside interference.
So, get hold of your mobile intercom headset with mic and make your ride a lot more enjoyable!

Get the best sports headphones for yourself!

Are you on the lookout for sports headphones? With the plethora of options available in today’s world it has become a daunting task to choose the best one for you. The deciding factor in this case is the amount of activity you are engaged in. This makes your task cut out.

For choosing headphones to put on while running, you need to ensure that it either goes at the back of your neck or over the ear. Earbud headphones are not a suitable type for this case as they often fall out of the ear while running. Weight is another consideration. You should ensure that they are not too heavy to affect your running. It should also be able to handle a large amount of sweat.

While looking for sports headphones, wired ones can pose difficulty. You can therefore go for Bluetooth or wireless ones. It may be costly but it is totally worth it. If you want to put on your headphones while working out, it is good if you purchase the ones with clips provided with them, something like a neckband headphone. Also, it should be sweat proof.

Headphones that can be used while swimming come in various types and sizes. You should go for special swimming headphones that are waterproof. Also make sure that it is protected by your swimming cap. These models widely vary in their functionality.

Before purchasing them, you should go through the reviews of the users who have used it already. You should buy one only after a proper study of the pros and cons of it. Durability and cost are important factors and so is quality. The lower-priced headphones often do not last long as the sound quality is hampered after a few months’ usage.

So, keep an eye on your budget and go for the best sports headphone that suits you!

Bluetooth Headsets are the ones to go for!

Over the last two years or so, Bluetooth headsets have astonishingly gained popularity. Wired headphones have now been left behind with the advent of this new technology. Here we give you the top reasons why you should go for a Bluetooth headset.

First and foremost is the portability factor. It is a major point that most people give importance to. Having long cables to carry can be frustrating when you are on the go. Also, untangling the completely tangled cable is another tedious and annoying task. Bluetooth headsets help you get rid of all this. Thus, it is a good option for people who use headphones while travelling, working out or for sports. They stay firmly in place even when you are jogging or working out.

Secondly, due to the massive demand, their price is not sky-rocketing. Moreover, they are sophisticated and stylish. The scenario is such that you can expect pretty good sound quality from nominal rate headphones. Also, there are some models that cost less than the wired ones!
Thirdly, many of the earphones come with bass-boosting technology. Noise isolation is another feature that adds feather to its cap. You can therefore enjoy the beat while listening to music.
If you find yourself caught between listening to music and answering a call, Bluetooth headsets make your task very easy. Most models come with a button that allows you to answer the call just by touching it. To end the call and go back to music, all you need to do is to touch the button again!

Lastly, it is the compatibility that makes them universal. MP3 players, phones, TVs, computers are all Bluetooth compatible. TV compatibility has been a huge hit among users.
Thus, we see that the advantages of Bluetooth headphones are many and it is surely more than a worthwhile investment!

Earphones with mic are the ones to go for!

If given a choice between a normal earphone and the one with Mic, which one would you go for? Never given it a thought? Here’s a look at the top reasons why one would go for a earphone with Mic!

For those of you who are a lot into video conferencing and multiplayer gaming, for those who want to hear the ambient music, surrounding sound and your team-mates as well, for those who want their voice to be delivered clearly to the other end, earphones with mic is the one to go for!
In today’s world that is well advanced in terms of technology, the area of use of earphones has widened. With so many new advancements that web seminars and conferencing, only listening to what is being discussed will not suffice. You also need to participate in the discussions and put forward your points across the table. For that you need to have a microphone attached to your earphone. In this case, it becomes a lot easier and well organized.

Gaming has become the new trend for this new generation. There are games where you can speak to as well as hear your team-mates and opponents. Earphones with Mic come in handy while playing such multi-player games as well. It transforms your virtual game into a real life one adding immense thrill and passion to the game.

Video calling has also gained momentum these days. It has cut down distances in the sense that people far and wide can sit before their computers and laptops and have a hearty talk with their close and beloved ones. In this case you need to check the sound quality that your earphone provides. You need good quality sound devoid of interference, cracking and mixing.
Thus, we see that earphones with mic have a variety of uses in the present scenario of technological advancement and development!